We bought our first house in November 2019 and my most favorite part about it are the chickens. Yes, our house came with chickens! We were going to get chickens anyway, it was just a bonus that this house came with them! There were 4 chickens, we named them Alma, Mary-Lou, Sookie, and Doris.
Alma is an Easter Egger chicken. She lays light pink eggs for us! She’s got adorable puffy “cheeks” that give her kind of a crazy lady vibe. Her personality totally fits the crazy lady vibe too! She’s super energetic and is always the first to greet me at the run’s door. She almost frantically paces back and forth and gives me a look that seems to say “what the heck took you so long? Let me out already!”
Mary-Lou was another Easter Egger and layed light blue eggs. Sadly she is no longer with us. I will always remember how sweet she was.
Sookie is a Maran chicken and lays dark brown speckled eggs. She is the most skittish of the hens, although she doesn’t hesitate to eat from my hand. If I make any sudden movements or walk too close to her she has a fit! She flaps her wings and gets away as fast as she can. It’s actually pretty hysterical!
Doris is a Barred Rock chicken and lays light brown/tan eggs. I love her feather pattern! She’s such a sweet gal and loves following us around when we are working in the yard, I think she’s hoping we’ll drop some treats. She’s pretty friendly and won’t freak out if I pick her up for a snuggle.
Soon we will be adding our 4 new chicks to the coop!
We’ve finally decided on a fourth name! These chicks will be called Mable, Stella, Ida and Hazel! Once we can tell them apart we will decide which name is for each chick! Ha! Thank you for all your name suggestions!