Simple Bathroom Update

Our bathroom was not the prettiest space in our home. When we bought our house we mentioned wanting to redo the bathroom eventually. But, doing a total bathroom redo is expensive and I was trying to stay busy during quarantine so I decided to start slowly sprucing up the bathroom.


I wanted to do an accent wall and frost the window for extra privacy. I also added plants (and they are still alive!!).

Originally I wanted to do a wallpaper accent wall. Even though the wall I wanted to do this on was small and had a window in the middle of it, it was surprisingly expensive! Why does wallpaper cost so much? Anyway, I decided to just do a fun paint color for the accent.

Before I painted the walls I frosted the bottom section of the window. I used a frosted glass spray paint. I taped up some newspaper to block some of the overspray, and took down the blinds, then evenly coated the glass.

Now that the I got the window frosted, I could paint the wall! I took everything off the wall and taped it all up. I’m not the best painter so I figured the tape would help… Turns out, it’s easier to not use tape and just slowly cut around everything cause the tape literally peeled up huge sections of paint and I had to go back and fix them.

Vito helped with the taller spots because it was hard to get a ladder into the bathroom. It took two coats to cover the wall well and once dried, I was super happy with how it turned out! Love the color!

I made my own curtain “rod” to go over the window. I got the idea from Pinterest. I used a piece of Cedar wood, hooks I got off of Amazon, and a tab top curtain, also from Amazon.

This is where I hang my plants from too, I added two plant hanging hooks that stick out far enough so the plants aren’t smushed against the curtain and window. This was so fun to see it all coming together; all my ideas coming to life!

Another DIY touch I added was a leather curtain pull back. I had searched for some online and couldn’t find any that I liked or they were expensive. I thought a leather one would look really cool with everything, and I had some leather scraps laying around that I really should use! I’m very thrilled about how this turned out!

That was the last thing that needed to be done! I’m seriously loving my bathroom now! Sometimes I just stand in the doorway and just stare at it all… That’s not weird.


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