Backyard Chickens, DIY

Building the Coop (pt 3)

Our new coop may look huge, but it's not all chicken space! One of the things we wanted to include in our new coop was a storage area. We wanted a place we could keep their food, bedding, treats, etc... The storage area is about 28"x48". It was pretty easy to add a dividing wall.… Continue reading Building the Coop (pt 3)

Backyard Chickens, DIY

Building the Coop (pt 2)

Let's see, where did part one leave off? The walls! As I said in part one, we went a little overboard on the structure of these walls. But hey, I wanted to make sure no predators could get in unless they had an axe. In our coop design we had about a quarter of the… Continue reading Building the Coop (pt 2)

DIY, Wellness

Nontoxic Bug Repellent

Have you checked the ingredients? That's the first thing I do now! The most popular active ingredients in bug repellant have been linked to neurotoxicity, memory loss, headaches and even seizures? I don't want to spray any of those chemicals onto my body, do you?